They helped keep the Cold War cool...
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Take a look at some of our work

Keepsake Media has produced a number of documentaries on a wide range of subjects. One of our documentaries entitled 'USMLM - Demystifying the Premiere HUMINT Collection Unit of the Cold War', features the secret operations of a U.S. military unit working behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War. The United States Military Liaison Mission, otherwise known as The Mission, carried out espionage activities against the Soviet military in a relatively hostile environment. USMLM served an important role historically which ultimately led to an end of the Cold War. Watch a couple of previews from this DVD below. It is available for purchase HERE.
The first segment of the USMLM DVD, entitled 'In Plain Sight' documents the historical aspects of USMLM with once classified photographs and video taken by military operatives behind the Iron Curtain. It is highly recommended viewing for anyone interested in learning more about the Cold War.
The second feature of this DVD, entitled 'On Tour: In Our Own Words' captures the essence of experiences shared by brave and talented Tour Officers and Tour NCO's who risked their lives performing dangerous duties behind the Iron Curtain, as told by those who were there.
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We're looking for Contributors!

Were you a member of an MLM?
Perhaps a family member with content
or stories you would like to share?

We would love to have your input.
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photos or stories with the world.

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